하야마 "SCAPES"에서의 런치
Tomoko Kamishima정말 맛있는 야채, 맛있는 스테이크와 디저트, 세련된 분위기와 놀라운 광경을 즐기고 싶다면 "SCAPES"라는 식당은 딱 여러분을 위한 곳이다.
아라타마 명물 돈가스를 맛본 후에는 이 신선한 맛에 반하게 될 것입니다. 돈까스 외에도 다양한 선택을 제공합니다. 모짜렐라 치즈 고로케, 크림 고로케 등 아라타마의 다른 요리도 꼭 드셔보세요.
정말 맛있는 야채, 맛있는 스테이크와 디저트, 세련된 분위기와 놀라운 광경을 즐기고 싶다면 "SCAPES"라는 식당은 딱 여러분을 위한 곳이다.
지역 주민들이 사랑하는 가마쿠라의 맛을 만나보세요. 가마쿠라 뉴 저멘의 부드럽고 크림 같은 스폰지 케이크가 감동입니다. 특히 카라멜 커스터드는 관광객들에게 가장 인기가 높다.
창의적인 프렌치 레스토랑인 Nature et Sens에서 감각적인 경험을 마음껏 즐길 수 있습니다. 제철 식재료와 가마쿠라 농산물은 이 절묘한 요리에서 가장 중요한 위치를 차지합니다. 식사 중에 다양한 와인 컬렉션에서 선택해서 와인과 미식을 즐기세요.
Ki to Toki는 동물성 없는 제품, 현미, 신선한 현지산 야채를 사용하여 맛있을 뿐만 아니라 눈도 즐겁게 하는 훌륭한 채식 요리를 만듭니다. 17가지 다양한 요리와 발효 음료, 그리고 식후의 디조트, 허브티 또는 커피도 함께 꼭 맛보세요.
Hongakuji Temple (本覚寺) is dedicated to Ebisu, part of the Kamakura seven deities of good luck. The temple was founded by Ashikaga Mochiuji in 1436.
Myohonji, located in the heart of Kamakura, is one of the oldest Nichiren-sect temples of Japanese Buddhism. Despite its city location, the temple is renowned for its tranquil atmosphere and lush encircling nature. It also tends to be less touristy than other temples in the area. Myohonji was founded in 1260 by Hiki Yoshimoto after he encountered the Buddhist priest and philosopher Nichiren Shonin in Kamakura. The site of the temple was previously home to the Hiki clan, before they were defeated by the Hojo clan in the early 1200s. Hiki Yoshikazu donated his home to Nichiren Shonin for the souls of his fallen clan, which later grew to be Myohonji. Some notable structures include Soshido, Myohonji’s largest temple building, Nitenmon gate, a beautiful inner gate, and a bronze statue of Nichiren. Enjoy the temple grounds in all seasons with spring cherry blossoms, verdant summer foliage, fiery autumn maple and ginkgo leaves, and winter plum blossoms.
Yakumo Shrine, also called Yakumo Jinja, was established around 1082 by Yoshimitsu Minamoto—a Minamoto clan samurai during the Heian Period—and is believed to be the oldest talismanic shrine in Kamakura. It is located in the Omachi neighborhood and is said to ward off bad luck. Yoshimitsu Minamoto founded the shrine to help protect the people of Kamakura against the many epidemics that had taken hold of the area. The shrine represented a branch of Gion Shrine (modern day Yasaka Shrine) in Kyoto, which was known for its protection against illnesses. When the severity of Kamakura’s epidemics lessened in 1084, the shrine became a popular spot to repel bad luck. Today, the shrine is a small, quiet, and off-the-beaten-path spot to pray for good luck. Enjoy the peaceful grounds and be sure to collect a red Goshuin stamp at the shrine’s office to commemorate your visit.