Oyamazumi Shrine

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Oyamazumi Shrine (저작권: Dokudami / CC BY-SA 4.0)

In the middle of Honshu and Shikoku, there's an island named Omishima which plays host to a Shinto shrine that served as a samurai mecca for more than a millennium. Despite being the largest island in the Seto Inland Sea and having much else to offer, Oyamazumi Shrine is a must-see, especially for those interested in samurai history and legend. Nature lovers will marvel too: Oyamazumi is nestled in a grove of hundreds of camphor trees, with some gigantic ones that are much older than the ancient shrine itself.



3327 Omishimacho Miyaura, Imabari, Ehime 794-1393 (길 안내)

개장 시간

5:30 - 17:00 영업중


월요일 5:30 - 17:00
화요일 5:30 - 17:00
수요일 5:30 - 17:00
목요일 5:30 - 17:00
금요일 5:30 - 17:00
토요일 5:30 - 17:00
일요일 5:30 - 17:00
Holidays 5:30 - 17:00

핸드폰 번호



  • 무료주차
  • 화장실

Payment Method

  • Pay by cash

거기에 도착하기

20 minutes by car from Omishima Interchange on Nishi Seto Expressway.

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