A wooden path soaked in rain (Photo: Novriana Dewi)

The Beauty of Oze in Summer

Green scenery at Oze National Park

Novriana Dewi   - 1분 읽은 시간

Oze National Park, located in Gunma and Fukushima Prefectures, not only offers beautiful views during the autumn with yellowish grass along its paths, but will also spoil your eyes with the green scenery of summer.

July and August are some of the best times to go hiking at this national park, although we had some rain on our August trip as you can probably tell. Nevertheless, Oze National Park will never fail to amaze you!

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Novriana Dewi

Novriana Dewi @novriana.dewi

A student (by procrastination) who wishes to be a full-time traveler. Or better, hopefully will be able to make it as a profession in the future. Currently lives in Japan and apparently will still be here for more years to come. Have been falling in love with Japan since child, and the more...