Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest

Sagamiko Illumillion (저작권: Fujikyu)

Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest is located in the beautiful landscape of Sagamihara, Kanagawa, just an hour away from the heart of Tokyo's Shinjuku. This expansive complex is a paradise for adventure-seekers, nature enthusiasts, and those simply seeking relaxation amidst the tranquility of nature.



1634 Wakayanagi, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0175 (길 안내)

개장 시간

9:30 - 17:00 Closed now


월요일 10:00 - 16:00
화요일 10:00 - 16:00
수요일 10:00 - 16:00
목요일 10:00 - 16:00
금요일 10:00 - 16:00
토요일 9:30 - 17:00
일요일 9:30 - 17:00
Holidays 9:30 - 17:00

거기에 도착하기

a) Approximately 50 minutes by car from Shinjuku.
b) Approximately 8 minutes from Sagamiko Station on the JR Chuo Line.

관련 기사

주변 탐색하기

Yakuoin Temple

Yakuoin Temple

Formally known as Takao-san Yakuo-in Yuki-ji, the Buddhist temple of Yakuo-in (薬王院) was established in 744 and is devoted to tengu. Tengu are bird-like mythical creatures said to be messengers of the gods, living on sacred mountains to protect it from evil. Two tengu statues stand guard at Yakuoin Temple, one with a long pointed nose and one with a crow’s beak. Visitors interested in shugendo or Buddhist practices are welcome to participate in asceticism, as well as try shojin ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine) with advance reservation.

도쿄 5 km 떨어진 곳
Mount Takao

Mount Takao

Just an hour from downtown Tokyo, Mount Takao is one of the most popular destinations for day-trippers and hikers. Also known as" "Takaosan" ", the mountain is a protected part of the Meiji no Mori Takao Quasi-National Park. It offers a beautiful landscape, an interesting temple and attractive hiking opportunities.The colorful foliage around the mountain and the national park make it a popular destination for the annual autumn foliage observation. A network of hiking trails leads up the slopes of Takaosan. However, the majority of visitors use hiking trail no. 1, which is wide and mostly paved and passes all important sites on its way to the 599 meter high peak. The Takaosan is considered a sacred mountain and many visitors pray for luck at the Yakuoin Temple, which is along the way. Statues of gods, one with a long nose and one with a crow's bill, can be found in the temple and elsewhere around the mountain.

도쿄 6 km 떨어진 곳
가나가와 사가미코

가나가와 사가미코

Manish Prabhune

신주쿠에서 기차로 1 시간, 후지산을 둘러싼 다른 유명한 호수의 색다른 모습이다. 겨울에는 조명 행사를 놓치지 말자.

가나가와 1.6k 1
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