Daiyuzan Saijoji Temple

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Daiyuzan (저작권: Daiyuzan – Σ64 / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Daiyuzan Saijoji is a temple with a deep connection to the tengu, those creatures who occupy a special place in Japanese folk religion. For example, folklore has it that the tengu, in a variety of different ways, supported the Zen priest who first built Saijoji TempleThe Daiyuzan Saijoji Temple in Minamiashigara is a breathtaking temple of Soto Zen Buddhism. The temple grounds, which were built more than 620 years ago, contain around 30 ceremonial halls and other temple buildings. The temple is surrounded by an impressive cedar forest.



1157 Daiyucho, Minamiashigara, Kanagawa 250-0127 (길 안내)

개장 시간

9:00 - 16:00 영업중


월요일 9:00 - 16:00
화요일 9:00 - 16:00
수요일 9:00 - 16:00
목요일 9:00 - 16:00
금요일 9:00 - 16:00
토요일 9:00 - 16:00
일요일 9:00 - 16:00
Holidays 9:00 - 16:00

핸드폰 번호



  • 인포메이션 카운터
  • 무료 가이드/팜플렛

Payment Method

  • 신용카드 사용가능
  • Pay by cash

관련 기사

주변 탐색하기

Hakone Box Burger

Hakone Box Burger

Box Burger는 현내 최고의 아시가라 쇠고기러 만든 햄버거를 제공합니다. 육즙이 많고 두꺼운 버거를 먹을 때 수제 셰이크도 같이 드셔보세요. 교토 아라비카 원두로 만든 Atsugi 브랜드인 Vancouver Coffee도 여기서 맛보세요. 당신의 여행의 나머지 부분을 계속 갈 것입니다! 다음 여행을 할 수 있는 에너지를 확실히 줄 것입니다!

가나가와 6 km 떨어진 곳


판노미미에서는 맛있고 독특한 빵을 맛볼 수 있습니다. 참치 치즈 또는 햄 체다 치즈와 같은 다양한 핫 샌드위치 외에도 구운 해산물과 치즈로 만든 뜨거운 그라탕을 잊지 마세요.

가나가와 6 km 떨어진 곳
킨지로 카페

킨지로 카페

니노미야 신사의 수호신인 니노미야 준토쿠의 정신을 느낄 수 있는 카페입니다. 에도 시대의 고지루(된장 된장국)를 음미하면서 이탈리아 커피를 마시며 자연의 아름다움을 감상할 수 있습니다.

가나가와 9 km 떨어진 곳


Be awed by storm clouds of volcanic steam that gather over the active volcano, Owakudani (大涌谷), the Great Boiling Valley. Created around 3,000 years ago, today the crater-valley is a popular tourist site, despite the ominous and evocative name. The volcanic valley is still alive today with active sulfur vents and hot springs. Once called the “Grand Inferno” or “Great Hell” thanks to the streams of white sulfuric smoke reaching toward the sky, it was renamed when the Meiji Emperor and Empress visited Hakone in 1873 because locals hesitated to invite the two to a place with such a foreboding name. Marvel from the Hakone Ropeway, 130 m above the valley bottom. Sulfur and water vapor pour out at about 100°C. The terrible landscape creates an image of hell that had even famed Japanese Buddhist monk, Kūkai, offer a prayer to Bodhisattva at the sight. At sunset, the sunlight from Lake Ashi glitters off the waters to offer a beautiful sight one might not expect next to the nightmarish landscape. While here, be sure to try the legendary kuro-tamago—hot spring hard-boiled eggs with shells turned black by the iron sulfide in the volcanic waters—these treats are only available at Owakudani. Eating one is said to add seven years to your life. At the top of the observation deck overlooking Owakudani you might even spot the majestic Mount Fuji on a fine day, this being one of the best spots to see it from. Access Owakudani by the Hakone Ropeway from Owakudani Station, or by bus. Although it is advised that people with asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, pacemakers, and pregnant women not enter the valley due to high volcanic activity. The volcanic gas concentration and temperature are constantly measured at the Hakone Ropeway stations to ensure the safety of guests and the site may be temporarily closed due to high levels of gas or volcanic activity. Volcanic alerts were lifted on Friday Nov 15th 2019, ending a six-month closure that saw most parts of the Owakudani area temporarily closed to access due to an increase in volcanic gases. The area is now safe to access, though it is advised that those with respiratory problems, heart conditions, pregnant women or young children do not enter the valley due to slight risk from volcanic fumes.

가나가와 8 km 떨어진 곳
Odawara Castle

Odawara Castle

Odawara Castle was built in the 15th century by Daimyo Hojo Soun. It was demolished by the Meji government in the 19th century. It was rebuilt in 1960 and today the 5-story castle sits on the top of a hill that overlooks Odawara. Inside the castle there are exhibits on the history of the building as well as exhibitions of armor and swords. The top floor offers a beautiful view of the park and the surrounding city. The castle is also famous for its cherry blossoms and many other flowers, including plum blossoms, azaleas, hydrangeas and lotus blossoms. There is a ninja museum on the castle grounds. There is also a small samurai museum there.

가나가와 9 km 떨어진 곳
"피카소의 도전: 형태의 변형" 전시회 2019-2020

"피카소의 도전: 형태의 변형" 전시회 2019-2020


하코네 야외 박물관 개관 50주년을 맞아 전면 개축한 피카소 전시관이 일반 대중에게 공개됐다. 이 컬렉션은 피카소의 319점의 작품과 그의 도자기에 초점을 맞춘다. 그림, 도자기, 조각품, 그리고 피카소의 인용구를 포함한 다른 전시물들을 통해, "피카소의 도전 - 형태의 변역"은 스페인 예술 거장 피카소의 창조적인 노력을 모양과 함께 고려한다. 이 새로운 공간에서 새로운 시각으로 피카소 컬렉션을 감상해보자. 입장료: 일반 성인 및 65세 이상 노인: ¥1600, 대학생 및 고등학생 ¥1200, 중학생 및 초등학생 ¥800

가나가와 771
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