Imabari Castle

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Imabari Castle (저작권: Vickerman625 / Public Domain)

Protruding from a concrete landscape—one of the tallest things in sight—is Imabari Castle, in the coastal city of the same name. This structure is one of three Mizujiro, or “castles on the sea,” in Japan. Construction began in 1602 under the local feudal lord and eminent designer of castles Todo Takatora.



3-1-3 Toricho, Imabari, Ehime 794-0036 (길 안내)

개장 시간

9:00 - 17:00 Closed now


월요일 9:00 - 17:00
화요일 9:00 - 17:00
수요일 9:00 - 17:00
목요일 9:00 - 17:00
금요일 9:00 - 17:00
토요일 9:00 - 17:00
일요일 9:00 - 17:00
Holidays 9:00 - 17:00

핸드폰 번호



  • 유료 주차
  • 무료주차
  • 화장실
  • 인포메이션 카운터


  • 배리어프리 출입
  • Braille signage
  • 다목적 화장실
  • 휠체어 렌탈

거기에 도착하기

A 10-minute taxi ride from Imabari Station.

관련 기사

주변 탐색하기

Mount Kiro Observatory Park

Mount Kiro Observatory Park

There is no better way to see the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge and its stretch of the Seto Inland Sea than from the top of Mount Kiro, at the southernmost point of Oshima island. On particularly clear days, the spectacular view extends to the jagged summit of Ishizushi, the largest mountain in western Japan, and was named one of the 88 best sceneries in Shikoku. The observatory park on Mount Kiro was designed by Pritzker Architecture Prize-winner Kengo Kuma; the sleek, metallic observation point goes nicely with the surrounding flora, which is preserved to maintain the natural beauty of the site. The numerous stairwells and decks make for a 360-degree view of the sea, which is especially breathtaking at sunset, as the distant mountain ranges fade to blue and a warm-toned sky is reflected on the water. At night, the bridge is illuminated. In spring, the forested region of this panoramic view is dotted with cherry blossoms. It’s possible that you’re biking since the park is only a few minutes away from the Shimanami Expressway, a popular and famously well-organized cycling route that spans several islands, including Oshima. Getting to the summit involves a steep ride and many steps, but the view is well worth it, not to mention the public restroom facility and kiosk.

에히메 7 km 떨어진 곳
시마나미 해안도로

시마나미 해안도로

Kazumi Shigematsu

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