Osu Shopping Arcade

51 리뷰
Osu Shopping Arcade (저작권: wallpaperflare / Public Domain)

At the shopping districts near Osu Kannon Temple, there are two main shopping arcade streets: Niomon Dori and Banshoji Dori. The shopping district carries wares that make it comparable to Akihabara of Tokyo—with computer parts, costumes, figures, and games being commonly found. The area is also known for its fashion, food shops, recycle or second-hand stores, and electronic stores. There seems to be a little bit of everything in the Osu shopping arcade.



2 Chome, 18 Ōsu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0011 (길 안내)

개장 시간

11:00 - 20:00 영업중


월요일 11:00 - 20:00
화요일 11:00 - 20:00
수요일 11:00 - 20:00
목요일 11:00 - 20:00
금요일 11:00 - 20:00
토요일 11:00 - 20:00
일요일 11:00 - 20:00
Holidays 11:00 - 20:00


입장 무료

거기에 도착하기

A few minutes' walk from Osu Kannon Station.

관련 기사

Osu Shopping Arcade


1 리뷰
  • 5 성 1
  • 4 성 0
  • 3 성 0
  • 2 성 0
  • 1 성 0


주변 탐색하기

카지켄 라멘

카지켄 라멘

Tom Roseveare

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멘야 하나비

멘야 하나비

Tom Roseveare

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아이치 1.5k
Osu Kannon Temple

Osu Kannon Temple

The temple Kitanosan Shinpuku-ji Hosho-in in Nagoya, Aichi, is commonly known as Osu Kannon. The temple was originally built in 1333 in Gifu Prefecture, however, due to repeated flooding, it was moved to its present location in 1612 by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Today, the main hall is decorated with a large red paper lantern steadied with wires from its base; worshippers tie their wishes to these wires in hopes that they’ll be granted. An antique fair is also held on the temple grounds on the 18th and 28th of every month. The temple is also famous for its on-ground library with over 15,000 Japanese and Chinese Buddhist works. Among them is the oldest hand-written copy of the Kojiki, the earliest account of Japanese history. While worshippers flock to the grounds daily, you’ll also find flocks of pigeons—it’s a nice place to sit and admire the union of the surrounding city with the tranquility of the temple. Nearby visitors can also enjoy the Osu Shopping Arcade.

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Nagoya City Science Museum

Nagoya City Science Museum

The Nagoya City Science Museum is a museum located in Sakae, Nagoya, the center of Nagoya City, in central Japan. The museum houses the largest planetarium in the world and has three main sections on modern technology, life sciences and general science with a variety of hands-on exhibits. [Wikipedia]

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Oasis 21

Oasis 21

Oasis 21, located above Shin-Sakae Station in Nagoya, is a place for shopping and eating. Opened in 2002, this modern facility is across from Nagoya TV Tower. Oasis 21 has a sleek, sci-fi shape and is housed under a glass roof covered with water. Visit restaurants, clothing shops, toy stores, and with easy access to the Sake Underground, Oasis 21 seems to have it all—even a bus terminal. With interesting events scattered throughout the year, Oasis 21 is also called Milky Way Square and houses dance competitions, festivals, and even a skating rink in winter.

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